Fine Motor Skills Therapy
Handwriting and Fine Motor Interventions
Our Approach
Handwriting and fine motor interventions are developed after careful assessment of your child’s developmental level, as well as family and curriculum requirements. Intervention plans are usually carried out in therapy rooms, home or school and are structured to the family’s lifestyle and accessibility.

How does it work?
Children need exposure to a variety of fine motor activities, just as they do gross motor, to build their hand strength and agility. We provide a variety of activities that can easily be incorporated into your child’s daily routine.
Handwriting is a complicated skill that is dependent on a child being competent in many developmental areas including posture, body control, visual perceptual skills, eye-hand coordination, bilateral coordination, fine motor integration, muscle memory, pencil grasp, letter formation as well as sensory processing (filtering out unnecessary information), attention, organisation and other executive functioning skills. The Occupational Therapist is experienced in assessing, and developing specific performance-based goals and helping your child achieve these goals using evidence informed methods.

Steps we take.
Sessions are usually one on one. An email session note is provided afterwards. Home practice activities are usually encouraged as research indicates that it will develop the skill faster and success leads to generalisation into other areas.
The OT is available to liaise closely with your child’s teacher and learning enrichment staff to support implementation of specific accommodations to enable success.